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Sarah J.

Yoga Teacher & Healer 

"My journey with yoga started eleven years ago while I was training as a professional dancer. I was fascinated by yoga philosophy along with the dimension and depth it gave to my physical practice. Yoga brought soul into the movement and helped connect my inner and outer universes.

Two years later, I began to teach.

In my class you will sweat while I guide you through the asanas with softness and calm - striking a balance that suits all needs. Through this practice you will find the space and time to discover the voice of your body. I will encourage you to find your boundaries, your sweet inner place where you can start to feel the inner shift and relax into yourself.


Along with being a yoga teacher I also work as a naturopath and healer using trance and meditation as my tools."

Yoga for Future, Vinyasa Yoga, Privatyoga, Full Moon Yoga, Yoga Retreats, Yoga on the Move Berlin, Yoga Lehrerausbildung


2003: Group-Fitness-Instructor

2009: Instructor for Pilates, Yoga, Personal Training

2011: Dipl. Sport Science, Uni Bayreuth

2012: Dancer, Dance Teacher, BFZ Nürnberg

2015: Dance & Movement Science, FU Berlin

2018: Therapist for Systemic Trauma Therapy, Trance & Hypnose, Berlin

2020: Naturopathy, TCM, 5 Elements, Qi-Gong, Acupuncture, S. Hahnemann Schule Berlin

Practice with Sarah

Weekly Classes

Friday 17.15 - Yang to Yin (EN)

Yoga on the Move, Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga Matten, Yoga on the Move Berlin-Schöneberg
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